If you are short on time or money but you would like some simple, practical advice on your diet and what foods you should be eating then this 30min diet analysis is for you.
I will analyze your four-day food diary and compare it to the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) and optimum nutrition intakes (ONIs) based on figures supplied by the Food Standards Agency’s database of food compositions. I will identify possible areas for improvement and after taking into account your age, weight, height, calorie requirement and lifestyle I will write a report highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of your diet. The report will evaluate your macronutrient balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat, assess whether your diet provides you with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, while highlighting the health benefits of these nutrients and suggesting specific food sources in which they can be found. The analysis will assist you in making positive changes in your diet.
For further details and to book this programme please contact me on: 0798 435 4608, or email: and I will get back to you.
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