Fitness Diets to beat the Recession!
Muscle building diets and supplements are not cheap! Eating big, using supplements and working out all the time can work out costly! The "usual" sources of protein are always so expensive! Chicken breast, fish and red meat cost a fortune these days at the supermarket! So you want to eat the best muscle building diet possible without spending hundreds or food per week right? Well this article is for you! I'm going to show you some of the things I do every week to keep the shopping list down. It is possible to follow a strict muscle diet and keep some money in the bank! Here are my tips for eating big on a budget...
TIP #1 - Buy mince meat (ground meat)
Lean fillet steak, veal and lamb can often be very expensive. The solution is mince meat. Mince meat has the same amount of protein in it as steak and it's so much cheaper. You can make it into beef patties for burgers, make a chili to feed you for a week or even make a pie with it. Chili is my personal favorite. I can buy all the ingredients for a big chili for a reasonable price. That includes 1.4kg or meat! One thing to remember though, always get the premium mince. The normal stuff has way to much fat in it. (>20%)
TIP #2 - Eggs are your friend
Egg whites are a really rich source of natural protein. Eggs are cheap and so very versatile. You can make omelets, scramble them, boil them, fry them... the list goes on - use your imagination! One point to note though, the yolk of the egg is very high in cholesterol so if you're making an omelet use 4-6 egg whites and 2 full eggs.
TIP #3 - Buy in bulk and save
You hear it in every second TV advert, "buy in bulk and save!". Well they're not lying! Sometimes you can save up to 40-50% of meat sold in bulk. You've got a freezer haven't you?! Don't disguard butchers either, sometimes their prices (especially on bulk) are cheaper than the supermarkets. And if they're a small outlet the might even be willing to do you a deal.
TIP #5 - Eat sandwiches
Bread is cheap. Head to the deli isle of your supermarket and you'll find lots of good cheap sandwich meat available. Chicken, turkey and beef are all good sandwich meats. All some salad and you've got yourself a wholesome snack.
TIP #6 - Cook like a restaurant
What I'm telling is to cook in bulk. Find your favorite chili recipe, times the ingredients by 4 and cook it on a Sunday afternoon. There you have 10-15 meals for the week ahead. All you need is some 2 minutes brown rice and you have yourself a meal ready in minutes. Perfect for post workouts and rush meals. Now you'll have no need to stop at that sandwich shop!
TIP #7 - Natures cheapest fish
Tuna tuna tuna. Tuna is one of the best foods you can eat if you want to build lean muscle. Not only has it got more than 20% protein but it's cheap and rich in natural essential oils. Just one problem, it tastes like cat food! I find it hard to stomach tuna, but I eat it anyway because it's dirt cheap and so good for me. If you don't like the taste or small on tuna mix it with some satay sauce. My favorite is tuna mixed with satay sauce on some boiled brown rice. Nothing but goodness! (tastes average though!)
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