Although I prefer a healthy lifestyle, I don’t think I will ever be in a house that gives out figs & apples to Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween. I embrace the rationale of everything in moderation. We all need to have balance in life and if enjoying sweets one night of the year is fun, then I say have fun! But in order to equal out the chocolate bars and gummy worms, here are some Halloween snacks and ideas that are good for you. They are great if you are having a party or just to have around the house as an alternative to the rubbish…
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Roasted pumpkin seeds are a seasonal, savory snack and so easy to make. After carving your pumpkin, wash and dry out the pumpkin seeds. Spread them out as a single layer on a cookie sheet that has been coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle with salt, black pepper, garlic powder and chili powder, and toss to coat. Place them in a 350 degree oven (shaking the pan every 15 minutes to keep from burning) for about 30-40 minutes or until brown and crunchy. Serve and enjoy!
You can also try this with chick peas and feel free to experiment using different spices. Both of these nutritious snacks are great in salads too.
Spooky Sandwiches
Although it is an old standby for many people, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when done properly can actually be nutritious. Make it with whole wheat bread, natural peanut butter and sugar free jam. Cut them out with Halloween-shaped biscuit cutters and you have a wholesome ‘and’ festive lunch.
Try cutting Halloween shapes in your grilled cheese sandwich too. Make it using reduced- fat cheese, whole wheat bread and cooking spray in the pan instead of butter.
Hot Apple Cider
Nothing is more autumnal and Halloween then hot cider brewing on the stove. It’s gorgeous and full of antioxidants. Combine ½ gallon of apple cider, a pinch of ground cloves and a teaspoon of cinnamon in a large pot. Simmer under low heat for about half an hour. It’s good for you, tasty and makes the whole house smell fantastic!
Scary Serving Ideas
Spice up boring dip and crudités by carving out a small pumpkin and filling it with hummus or any other low-fat dip. Surround it with various vegetables for a healthful snack that is in the Halloween spirit.
Another idea is to use an orange as you would a pumpkin (cut the top off and remove the insides) and carve a face onto it. Fill it with fruit salad, yogurt and some low-fat granola for a satisfying treat.
I hope these ideas can help inspire some more healthy options for Halloween
Thanks for the post and great tips..even I also think that hard work is the most important aspect of getting success.. website