
Monday, 24 October 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
HIIT Training v Slow paced Cardio.
HIIT Training v Slow paced Cardio.
By Keith Cormican
Steady state cardio exercises have lately been replaced in favor of high intensity interval training as the best way to lose both belly and body fat. Is steady state cardio really outdated? Have all those who used lower intensity cardio been wrong all these years? Steady state cardiovascular exercise has worked for many people who have lost a lot of weight by walking five miles a day. HIIT is good, but it is not the only way to effective fat loss.
A very heavy person is probably overweight because of a small energy imbalance – they eat more every day than they burn. Excess calories build up over time. If a person is very overweight and increases their exercise level in any way but does not also increase how much they eat, they will reverse their weight gain. HIIT works better for those with little time to exercise because will yield the same results as regular cardio in less time. HIIT also builds more muscle because it uses muscle fibers that are not used during regular cardio. During your high intensity level of training, you are working your “fast twitch” muscles – those muscle fibers that are meant to use anaerobic energy. Energy stored in the body – not energy from oxygen in the blood – is used by your fast twitch muscles when you walk, run, ride your bike or do any exercise at maximum speed.
Fast twitch muscles work more effectively when you need them if you work them consistently with High Intensity Interval Training – they help you run after your cat, dog or kids, or catch the bus pulling away from the bus stop.
Regular cardio uses those muscles that are meant to work aerobically. These muscles use the oxygen you breathe in while you work out. Building these muscles will increase your endurance, making it easier for you to walk. You can go farther at a steady pace because oxygen is used more efficiently by your muscles.
Because HIIT utilizes both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers, it uses a lot of calories in a short time. High Intensity Interval Training also creates more muscle than regular cardio because it uses the fast twitch muscle fibers that regular cardio does not use. A lot of fat loss & bodybuilding programmes recommend High Intensity Interval Training. The real secret to sculpted muscles is reduced body fat – try using High Intensity Interval Training in your workout to get that fat off your body fast!
HIIT V Slow Cardio #2.
Cardio is the most popular way to lose fat. But is it the best? -And should you do long duration cardio or HIIT? Empty stomach cardio or not? This article will teach you how to really lose fat with cardio
Wrong Ways to Use Cardio. Cardio only speeds up fat loss. You can only lose fat through weight training & healthy eating. Two common cardio errors are:
Neglecting Strength Training. Don't try to lose fat by doing cardio without strength training. Excessive cardio burns muscle, causing the skinny-fat look. You need strength training to prevent muscle loss & to build muscle.
Eating Unhealthy. Cardio without healthy nutrition is a waste of time. A healthy diet will make you lose fat faster.
Long Duration Cardio. This is cardio for 30-45mins at a steady state. On a machine or long runs outside. Pros & cons of long duration cardio:
Burns Fat. 30mins long duration cardio burns about 500kcal. This allows you to create a caloric deficit without dropping your daily calories.
Increases Endurance. If you're out of shape, long duration cardio is the easiest way to increase your cardiovascular fitness.
Boring & Time Consuming. For maximal fat loss you'll need 3 sessions of 30-45 mins per week. This can be boring & repetitive!
HIIT. High-intensity interval training. Example: alternate 60sec jogging with 30sec sprints for 15mins. Pros & cons of HIIT cardio:
More Efficient. It burns more fat and increases your cardiovascular fitness more than long duration cardio does.
More Fun, Less Time-Consuming. Takes only 15-20mins and is much more fun than 30-45mins long duration cardio.
More Difficult. HIIT will make you puke if you're a beginner with zero endurance! HIIT can also affect your recovery.
Long Duration Cardio or HIIT? If you're a beginner with 20-30% body fat, lose fat using long duration cardio. This is physically & mentally easier than HIIT. Combine this with weight training & healthy nutrition.
Your endurance will increase over time.
Realize that although long duration cardio is less efficient than HIIT, it does burn fat. While our body fat might not go down as fast, it will go down. And since long duration cardio is easier, you're less likely to skip workouts or quit.
How to Do Long Duration Cardio. I would recommend long duration cardio if you have little endurance. Remember: cardio without strength training & healthy nutrition is useless.
Moderate Intensity. 60-70% of your max heart rate (which is 220 - your age). So if you're 20 years old, that's between 120-140bpm.
3x45mins. Start with 15mins straight post workout without eating in between. Add 1min each workout until you can do 45mins.
Elliptical trainer. Most people enjoy the elliptical trainer most. But anything works: rower, stationary bike, outdoor runs etc…
How to Do HIIT. The point with HIIT is to get out of breath. If you're doing it on a machine: choose a resistance that allows you to go as fast as you can when sprinting. But better is to go outside and have fun. Some ideas:
Sprints. You can do these on a machine, but outside is better. Alternate 60sec jogging with 30sec sprinting. Repeat for 15mins.
Burpees. 5 sets of 10 burpees with 30sec rest in between. Always try to beat your previous time. Build up to 10 sets of 10 burpees, then to 100 burpees in a row. Make sure you do a Push-up from the floor.
The Bear. Do without resting 1 rep Power Clean, Front Squat, Overhead Press, Back Squat & Behind Neck Press. Repeat 4x without resting. This is your 1st set. Do 5 sets with 30sec rest in between. Build up to 8 sets of 5. When that gets easy, start adding weight (5lbs/2.5kg). When to Do Cardio. Most people don't have time to train 6 times a week. Those who can, often burn out physically & mentally after a few weeks.
Post Strength Training. Harder, but you have more rest days and can do more cardio.
On Rest Days. Include days for total recovery: 3 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off.
Do You Need Cardio for Cardiovascular Fitness? Not really! Strength training increases cardiovascular fitness.
Unless you do sports that need endurance (MMA, boxing, rugby etc...) you don't really need cardio. Strength training will increase your cardiovascular fitness above average. Increase your Squat and you'll see. The proof is in the pudding!
By Keith Cormican
Steady state cardio exercises have lately been replaced in favor of high intensity interval training as the best way to lose both belly and body fat. Is steady state cardio really outdated? Have all those who used lower intensity cardio been wrong all these years? Steady state cardiovascular exercise has worked for many people who have lost a lot of weight by walking five miles a day. HIIT is good, but it is not the only way to effective fat loss.
A very heavy person is probably overweight because of a small energy imbalance – they eat more every day than they burn. Excess calories build up over time. If a person is very overweight and increases their exercise level in any way but does not also increase how much they eat, they will reverse their weight gain. HIIT works better for those with little time to exercise because will yield the same results as regular cardio in less time. HIIT also builds more muscle because it uses muscle fibers that are not used during regular cardio. During your high intensity level of training, you are working your “fast twitch” muscles – those muscle fibers that are meant to use anaerobic energy. Energy stored in the body – not energy from oxygen in the blood – is used by your fast twitch muscles when you walk, run, ride your bike or do any exercise at maximum speed.
Fast twitch muscles work more effectively when you need them if you work them consistently with High Intensity Interval Training – they help you run after your cat, dog or kids, or catch the bus pulling away from the bus stop.
Regular cardio uses those muscles that are meant to work aerobically. These muscles use the oxygen you breathe in while you work out. Building these muscles will increase your endurance, making it easier for you to walk. You can go farther at a steady pace because oxygen is used more efficiently by your muscles.
Because HIIT utilizes both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers, it uses a lot of calories in a short time. High Intensity Interval Training also creates more muscle than regular cardio because it uses the fast twitch muscle fibers that regular cardio does not use. A lot of fat loss & bodybuilding programmes recommend High Intensity Interval Training. The real secret to sculpted muscles is reduced body fat – try using High Intensity Interval Training in your workout to get that fat off your body fast!
HIIT V Slow Cardio #2.
Cardio is the most popular way to lose fat. But is it the best? -And should you do long duration cardio or HIIT? Empty stomach cardio or not? This article will teach you how to really lose fat with cardio
Wrong Ways to Use Cardio. Cardio only speeds up fat loss. You can only lose fat through weight training & healthy eating. Two common cardio errors are:
Neglecting Strength Training. Don't try to lose fat by doing cardio without strength training. Excessive cardio burns muscle, causing the skinny-fat look. You need strength training to prevent muscle loss & to build muscle.
Eating Unhealthy. Cardio without healthy nutrition is a waste of time. A healthy diet will make you lose fat faster.
Long Duration Cardio. This is cardio for 30-45mins at a steady state. On a machine or long runs outside. Pros & cons of long duration cardio:
Burns Fat. 30mins long duration cardio burns about 500kcal. This allows you to create a caloric deficit without dropping your daily calories.
Increases Endurance. If you're out of shape, long duration cardio is the easiest way to increase your cardiovascular fitness.
Boring & Time Consuming. For maximal fat loss you'll need 3 sessions of 30-45 mins per week. This can be boring & repetitive!
HIIT. High-intensity interval training. Example: alternate 60sec jogging with 30sec sprints for 15mins. Pros & cons of HIIT cardio:
More Efficient. It burns more fat and increases your cardiovascular fitness more than long duration cardio does.
More Fun, Less Time-Consuming. Takes only 15-20mins and is much more fun than 30-45mins long duration cardio.
More Difficult. HIIT will make you puke if you're a beginner with zero endurance! HIIT can also affect your recovery.
Long Duration Cardio or HIIT? If you're a beginner with 20-30% body fat, lose fat using long duration cardio. This is physically & mentally easier than HIIT. Combine this with weight training & healthy nutrition.
Your endurance will increase over time.
Realize that although long duration cardio is less efficient than HIIT, it does burn fat. While our body fat might not go down as fast, it will go down. And since long duration cardio is easier, you're less likely to skip workouts or quit.
How to Do Long Duration Cardio. I would recommend long duration cardio if you have little endurance. Remember: cardio without strength training & healthy nutrition is useless.
Moderate Intensity. 60-70% of your max heart rate (which is 220 - your age). So if you're 20 years old, that's between 120-140bpm.
3x45mins. Start with 15mins straight post workout without eating in between. Add 1min each workout until you can do 45mins.
Elliptical trainer. Most people enjoy the elliptical trainer most. But anything works: rower, stationary bike, outdoor runs etc…
How to Do HIIT. The point with HIIT is to get out of breath. If you're doing it on a machine: choose a resistance that allows you to go as fast as you can when sprinting. But better is to go outside and have fun. Some ideas:
Sprints. You can do these on a machine, but outside is better. Alternate 60sec jogging with 30sec sprinting. Repeat for 15mins.
Burpees. 5 sets of 10 burpees with 30sec rest in between. Always try to beat your previous time. Build up to 10 sets of 10 burpees, then to 100 burpees in a row. Make sure you do a Push-up from the floor.
The Bear. Do without resting 1 rep Power Clean, Front Squat, Overhead Press, Back Squat & Behind Neck Press. Repeat 4x without resting. This is your 1st set. Do 5 sets with 30sec rest in between. Build up to 8 sets of 5. When that gets easy, start adding weight (5lbs/2.5kg). When to Do Cardio. Most people don't have time to train 6 times a week. Those who can, often burn out physically & mentally after a few weeks.
Post Strength Training. Harder, but you have more rest days and can do more cardio.
On Rest Days. Include days for total recovery: 3 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off.
Do You Need Cardio for Cardiovascular Fitness? Not really! Strength training increases cardiovascular fitness.
Unless you do sports that need endurance (MMA, boxing, rugby etc...) you don't really need cardio. Strength training will increase your cardiovascular fitness above average. Increase your Squat and you'll see. The proof is in the pudding!
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Motivation for the changing seasons.

Motivation for the changing seasons.
During the spring and summer months, it is not too difficult to get motivated to exercise. The hot weather and long evenings often mean we will be wearing less and want to look our best. When autumn arrives, however, inspiration to work out is harder to find. Here are some tried and tested principles to help improve your strength, fitness and physique as autumn approaches:
Variety is not only the spice of life, but also the secret weapon that helps blast through training barriers.
ATTACK YOUR WEAKNESSES – it is easy to slip into a pattern where you emphasize working muscle groups you have had most success in training and ignore groups that lag behind. Why? Because we like to do things that we know we do well and we know we get results from. By the same token, we hobble through parts of our workouts where we have been less successful, using poor form with low energy. We can use the new autumn season as an opportunity to look at our weaknesses as challenges to be undertaken. Take an honest look at your present condition, and think about the parts of your training programme and body development that you feel are weaknesses. Plan a set of goals and prepare to vigorously transform weaknesses into strengths. Here are a few ideas on how you might approach this:
Read up on how to master training and nutrition techniques and strategies that target your weakness. Consult a personal trainer or nutritionist who is an expert in the area you wish to target. Attack your goal with the confidence that preparation provides.
(2) Identify the body parts you wish to improve- for example, if you are unhappy with the way your abdominals have developed take a photo of them (before) and make a programme of say 10 – 12 weeks to turn things around. Then take another photo (after).
Think of the targeted area, not as a weakness, but as an opportunity to have some fun by taking on a new challenge. Make it a positive experience from the first workout to the last.
Be careful not to let up on your intensity after you reach the halfway point of your training programme. Instead of letting your energy wane in the middle or latter half of the project, make a commitment to maintain a good, solid pace to the end.
When was the last time you enjoyed an athletic competition? It is a great way to burn away any boredom that has crept into your overall fitness regime, which can happen if you have been at it for a while. Having a competition goal at the end of a multi week or month training programme can work wonders. Here are a few activities that are fun to participate in and add extra purpose to your strength and cardio training:
Ten Kilometer running race.
A short distance triathlon.
Rock climbing.
Mountain bike competition.
Martial arts classes.
Swimming competition.
Sunday football team.
Have a look around other gyms and fitness centres and look for one that has a fresh appeal – perhaps one with a more high energy atmosphere to help fire up your training.
While this may sound like the worst thing to do, if you are stuck on a plateau, a week or two away from the gym might be just what your body needs. Take some time to do those recreational activities that you have been sacrificing for your training, such as reading a good book, taking up a new hobby, going for long hikes in the woods or spending more time with your family and friends. After your well-deserved break you can return to your training with a vengeance!

Although I prefer a healthy lifestyle, I don’t think I will ever be in a house that gives out figs & apples to Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween. I embrace the rationale of everything in moderation. We all need to have balance in life and if enjoying sweets one night of the year is fun, then I say have fun! But in order to equal out the chocolate bars and gummy worms, here are some Halloween snacks and ideas that are good for you. They are great if you are having a party or just to have around the house as an alternative to the rubbish…
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Roasted pumpkin seeds are a seasonal, savory snack and so easy to make. After carving your pumpkin, wash and dry out the pumpkin seeds. Spread them out as a single layer on a cookie sheet that has been coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle with salt, black pepper, garlic powder and chili powder, and toss to coat. Place them in a 350 degree oven (shaking the pan every 15 minutes to keep from burning) for about 30-40 minutes or until brown and crunchy. Serve and enjoy!
You can also try this with chick peas and feel free to experiment using different spices. Both of these nutritious snacks are great in salads too.
Spooky Sandwiches
Although it is an old standby for many people, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when done properly can actually be nutritious. Make it with whole wheat bread, natural peanut butter and sugar free jam. Cut them out with Halloween-shaped biscuit cutters and you have a wholesome ‘and’ festive lunch.
Try cutting Halloween shapes in your grilled cheese sandwich too. Make it using reduced- fat cheese, whole wheat bread and cooking spray in the pan instead of butter.
Hot Apple Cider
Nothing is more autumnal and Halloween then hot cider brewing on the stove. It’s gorgeous and full of antioxidants. Combine ½ gallon of apple cider, a pinch of ground cloves and a teaspoon of cinnamon in a large pot. Simmer under low heat for about half an hour. It’s good for you, tasty and makes the whole house smell fantastic!
Scary Serving Ideas
Spice up boring dip and crudités by carving out a small pumpkin and filling it with hummus or any other low-fat dip. Surround it with various vegetables for a healthful snack that is in the Halloween spirit.
Another idea is to use an orange as you would a pumpkin (cut the top off and remove the insides) and carve a face onto it. Fill it with fruit salad, yogurt and some low-fat granola for a satisfying treat.
I hope these ideas can help inspire some more healthy options for Halloween
Friday, 7 October 2011
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