

Friday, 4 June 2010


To perform at your highest in your sporting events, I would highly recommend a 4:1 potassium to sodium ratio, and this is also very important for optimal water balance. Potassium is a macromineral which is important in numerous bodily functions including maintenance of electrolyte and pH balance, nutrient transfer across cell membranes and proper water balance. Potassium also aids the contraction of smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle.

Oranges, bananas, peaches, dried fruit, dried beans, potatoes, wheat bran and tomatoes are all good sources of whole foods which contain potassium.

High sodium foods that you may want to avoid include canned foods, processed meat and bread products, sauces, salad dressings and soups. You may also want to watch out for some dairy products such as cottage cheese and milk.

To achieve the 4:1 ratio, I would say it would be a good idea to avoid large quantities of these high sodium foods whenever possible.

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