I know that within the sports and fitness industry creatine monohydrate or creatine, has, for some time, been known as a powerful supplement that ‘works’. It has probably helped more athletes and weight trainers gain more size and strength faster than anything else in history, with the one exception of anabolic steroids. This might sound like hype, but it really has been proven to be extremely effective. I will not waste time reviewing age-old information about creatine. I would like to share with you some fascinating things I have learned recently from some top scientific experts about how to maximize the effects of creatine.
Firstly, creatine ‘plus carbohydrate’ may be one of, if not the best athlete supplement on the market. That is because solid scientific research now points out the fact that creatine works better when it is consumed with a potent insulin-releasing carbohydrate source like dextrose (glucose) – much better!
A recent study in the United States found that athletes who consumed creatine ‘plus carbohydrates’ gained more lean mass, jumped higher , ran faster and gained more strength than athletes who used regular creatine. In fact, the ‘creatine plus carbohydrates’ athletes boosted their anaerobic performance 30% more than the athletes who used regular creatine. This is quite amazing when you consider how powerful regular creatine is! Athletes and serious weight trainers who do not use or at least know of creatine are rare and at a serious disadvantage to those who do.
I have done much research on this powerful, natural supplement and I have learned some interesting facts. For example, creatine was discovered in 1832 by a French scientist named Chevreal, who named it after the Greek word for flesh!
In 1923, scientists discovered the average human body contains over 100 grams of creatine and that over 95% of that is stored n muscle tissue. A pound of beef contains 2 grams of creatine and so does a pound of salmon. A pound of tuna contains 1.8 grams and herring is the king when it comes to creatine-providing foods – containing 3 grams of creatine per pound!
Creatine is a compound that is naturally made in our bodies to supply energy to our muscles. Chemically, it is called ‘methylguanido – acetic acid’. Creatine is formed from the amino acids arginine, methionine and glycine. It is manufactured in the liver and may also be produced in the pancreas and kidneys. It is transported in the blood and taken up by muscle cells, where it is converted to creatine phosphate (CP). This reaction involves the enzyme creatine kinase which helps bond creatine to a high energy phosphate group.
The average person metabolizes about 2 grams of creatine per day, and that same amount is normally synthesized by the body – so you generally maintain a creatine balance. Once it is bound to a phosphate group, it is permanently stored in a cell as phosphocreatine until it is used to produce chemical energy called ATP. When this takes place, creatine can be released to instantly form creatinine, which is then removed from the blood via the kidneys and excreted in the urine.
Although creatine supplementation can raise blood creatinine, it has never been shown to be harmful to the kidneys. The richest source of creatine in food is in animal muscle – for example, meats and fish. However, to increase athletic performance and boost lean body mass, creatine must be taken in concentrations which are not found in whole foods alone, for example, you would have to consume ten pounds of raw steak each day for five days to load your body with creatine!
The goal of a weight trainer is to use progressive resistance exercise to force the muscles to adapt and grow. This increased work load can be achieved in many ways: by increasing the force of contraction through increased resistance such as when lifting heavier weights, by increasing the duration of the time that the muscle is under tension, and by increasing the frequency of exercise.
Creatine helps in three ways, it helps build lean body mass, which allows still greater force to be used, it provides energy so the duration of exercise can be lengthened and the speed of recovery to exercise frequency can be increased.
The amount of new body bulding/fitness supplements is growing all the time and it can be confusing knowing what is best for you. However, this one has been tested over and over again and you can’t really go wrong! Use a creatine supplement with a high glycemic carbohydrate source to load your muscles. Use 20-30 grams of creatine a day and then cut back to 5-15 grams a day for a maintenance dose. If you are like many people (including me) you will notice a dramatic increase in size and strength. You will get better pumps in the gym, you will notice that your muscles are stronger and ‘fuller’. It is the closest thing to date to have the effect of an illegal anabolic steroid but it is natural.