

Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Ultimate Guide to Carb Cycling

The Ultimate Guide to Carb Cycling

Fitness Capital of the World!

FITNESS CAPITAL OF THE WORLD? I have recently returned from a trip to the West coast of the USA which was, to say the least, enlightening! It was my fifth time to visit Los Angeles so I had become familiar with the ‘different’ culture. The health & fitness scene over there at present is huge & has grown dramatically since my last visit. Having had the privilege of working in London as a sports nutritionist & writer for many years, I had already built up a respectable list of contacts of people to meet whilst there. I was surprised, however, to find how small the fitness network is in Hollywood. Everyone seems to be connected to, or knows someone else in the business. For example, whilst having lunch in San Diego with fitness professional ‘Jamo Nezzar’, we were joined by a French fitness model called Julien Greaux. I have since learned that he is the trainer to Jean Claude Van Damme’s daughter. At the same lunch, we were joined by a group of fitness models from US magazine “Muscle & Fitness”. A series of meetings, spin classes, & chance encounters led me to begin talking to a beautiful woman & her husband from Arizona. They had both just competed in a fitness show & were in phenomenal shape. I discovered that they were in the US Army & were strict vegetarians. My interest was sparked & I saw the potential for an interview. I’m pleased to say that their inspiring story has been featured globally in numerous publications. I would encourage anyone searching for motivation to read their inspiring life journey: http://www.jamcoretraining.com/content/who-francesca-hartman Los Angeles is a vast area & the people there are so diverse. It seems that no one living in LA is actually ‘from’ LA! I would estimate that at least 70% of the community are health & fitness enthusiasts or part of the industry. Venice beach & Gold’s Gym are the exact way I had imagined them with athletes in fantastic condition. To me, it’s an inspiring place & I think that Londoner’s could learn so much from the lifestyle. Yes, the climate does play a part in this, so too does vanity! Speaking personally, I would highly recommend anyone who is serious about fitness, to at least pay a visit to the City of Angels. The experience would be both inspirational & eye opening. You would discover why it’s known as ‘the fitness capital of the world’, & who knows, it may even lead to opportunities you may never have imagined!

Body type Training

DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR BODY TYPE? It may affect your training style... There 3 main body types – more specifically known as ‘somatotypes’ – these are ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. These are also commonly know as ‘thin’, ‘athletic’ and ‘fat’! William Sheldon, the originator of the body type classification theory, believed that each body type had its own distinct physiological and psychological traits. Many of the top endurance athletes are ectomorphs and their slim build means they will find it hard to put on muscle, even if they wanted to. If you have a similar build you too will find it difficult. In order to stand a decent chance of gaining muscle, you should reduce your endurance activity significantly. It may be a good idea, if you have been a regular endurance athlete for 6 months or more, to reduce the cycle/run/swim time to a minimum and go through a 2 month muscle building phase. If you have an athletic body type then the chances are you will be able to maintain your muscle mass pretty well, even when endurance training. ‘Mesomorphs’ bodies will respond quickly to virtually all types of training and will be less affected by the interference effect. Endomorphs will be carrying a lot of muscle and potentially fat and will be more able to maintain size when endurance training. To put it simply, they have more to lose! However, running will place more strain on their joints and this could lead to injury. Mileage should be built up gradually. Once the weight is off, endomorphs have potentially the best opportunity to look big and strong as they run.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Dangerous Low Fat Diets!

Dangerous Low Fat Diets! Can they affect your mood?

Low fat diets have been associated with increased risks of depression and suicide. This correlation was first noticed decades ago. While going over data in a study of heart disease, researchers where surprised to find that individuals with the lowest cholesterol levels had increased incidences of deaths from suicide, violence and accidents. Since these initial findings, several studies have confirmed a link to low fat diets with depression and impulsive behavior.
The Link to Serotonin
It is thought that low fat diets affect serotonin levels in the brain. However, it is not clear exactly how low fat diets disrupt the serotonin balance. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that works to inhibit impulsive behavior. It is often found that individuals with abnormal serotonin function have thoughts of suicide and impulsive, hostile behavior.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
The rate of depression in the United States has increased in relation to the decrease in consumption of omega 3 fats. These are the fats found in some nuts and oily fish. In recent decades, Americans have consumed less omega 3 fats and more omega 6 fats like those found in vegetable seed oils. Several studies have found that the rate of depression in different countries was directly related to their inhabitants' consumption of fish. Countries with the most fish consumption, such as Japan, Taiwan and Korea, had the lowest incidences of depression.
There was also a study done in which people with recurrent depression were treated with omega 3 supplements in addition to their antidepressant medication. The control group was given sugar pills along with their antidepressants. There were significant improvements in the group that was given the omega 3 supplements. They had an overall better sense of well being and improved sleep patterns compared to the control group.
Conflicting Studies
One recent study suggests that a low fat diet could actually improve mood. This was a study comparing low fat to low carb diets and their affects on mood. The low fat dieters had better overall moods and a sense of well being compared to the low carb dieters. Both groups showed an initial improvement in mood, but the low fat group maintained the improvement throughout the year long study. The low carb group became grumpy after a few weeks on the diet. Some researchers suggest that this study may be flawed and the data should be viewed with caution. A previous study, done in 2007, found that those on a low carb diet had the most improvement in mood.
The Importance of Dietary Fats
Dietary fats are necessary for the proper functioning of all the cells of the body. Brain cell are no exception. Eating a diet that lacks sufficient healthy fats will negatively affect how you look and feel. It is possible that individuals vary in their dietary fat requirements. However, if you have been on a low fat diet and are experiencing dry skin and hair or mood problems, you may want to consider adding more dietary fats back into your diet.
If you are under a physician's care, be sure to check with her before making any dietary changes.

Monday, 6 February 2012

American Football Nutrition

Football Bulk!

American football players are renowned for being some of the fittest and most powerful of all athletes. But, they don't all start out that way. Many players often need to gain 10 to 20 kilograms (22-44 pounds) in order to play at the highest levels. Read on and I'll explain the process they go through and how you can do it too...
What nutrition do players have to consider when wishing to increase their muscle mass?
Consume more calories
For a player to gain mass, he needs to consume sufficient energy. To grow, the player must consume more calories than he burns each day. If he's training heavily six days a week, he'll need a lot of calories simply to replace those he requires for the training. This doesn't take into account the calories required to build new muscle.
A 90 kilo player (198 pounds) will often require 4,000-5,000 calories per day during the preseason. That's a lot of food, especially if you don't have a big appetite. In fact, many players find it simply impossible to get this many calories from whole food alone. We suggest players use a high-quality weight-gainer, two or three times a day in addition to their regular diet. It's a quick and easy way for players to get the extra calories they need to grow post-exercise and to help with muscle repair and recovery.

Use proper hydration
Research has clearly demonstrated that training sessions can be prolonged and conducted at a greater intensity if athletes consume a balanced carbohydrate energy drink during the session. This gives them the carbohydrate and hydration they need to keep their energy levels high, allowing them to give 100 percent right up until the end of the session.
Power up with protein
Once your overall calorie intake, carbohydrate and hydration are taken care of, the next step is to ensure you consume enough protein. Most people, football players included, simply don't get enough of it. If you want to build your muscle mass as fast as possible you need to give your body the correct building blocks. Muscles are made from protein and proteins are built from long chains of amino acids. I usually recommend that players lift their protein intake to consume one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Good protein sources include, chicken, fish, lean red meat, cottage cheese and whey protein. Players will use products which contain a unique blend of high quality whey protein.
Include good fats
Last but not least, you should consider your fat intake. Fat is one of the most important nutrients in your diet, especially if you want to gain weight. Studies show a strong link between dietary fat intake and testosterone levels. Eating enough of the right fat is one of the best ways to allow your body to maximize its own natural testosterone production. But we're talking good fats here, not the fats from junk food - you should actively avoid saturated fats and trans and hydrogenated fats that are found in many processed and fast foods (read the labels). Healthy sources of fat include extra virgin olive oil, and the fats found in peanuts, avocado, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, flaxseed or macadamia nuts. The essential long-chain omega-3s fats are vital to maintain the levels of muscle-building hormones in the body and are primarily found in high-fat, cold-water fish such as salmon or mackerel, some nuts and seeds. To ensure the players aren't missing out on these good fats, I suggest they use a supplementary source of EFA’s. This provides long-chain omega-3s, which are far superior to the short-chain omega-3s found in flaxseed oil and other oil blends.
And relax
Finally, if you want to grow you must ensure you get sufficient rest. You will need a good eight hours of sleep each night. So there you have it; these are the nutritional principles we use to support a successful muscle-building training programme. It works for some of the top football players. Chances are it'll work for you too!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Fitness Diets to beat the Recession!

Fitness Diets to beat the Recession!

Muscle building diets and supplements are not cheap! Eating big, using supplements and working out all the time can work out costly! The "usual" sources of protein are always so expensive! Chicken breast, fish and red meat cost a fortune these days at the supermarket! So you want to eat the best muscle building diet possible without spending hundreds or food per week right? Well this article is for you! I'm going to show you some of the things I do every week to keep the shopping list down. It is possible to follow a strict muscle diet and keep some money in the bank! Here are my tips for eating big on a budget...

TIP #1 - Buy mince meat (ground meat)
Lean fillet steak, veal and lamb can often be very expensive. The solution is mince meat. Mince meat has the same amount of protein in it as steak and it's so much cheaper. You can make it into beef patties for burgers, make a chili to feed you for a week or even make a pie with it. Chili is my personal favorite. I can buy all the ingredients for a big chili for a reasonable price. That includes 1.4kg or meat! One thing to remember though, always get the premium mince. The normal stuff has way to much fat in it. (>20%)
TIP #2 - Eggs are your friend
Egg whites are a really rich source of natural protein. Eggs are cheap and so very versatile. You can make omelets, scramble them, boil them, fry them... the list goes on - use your imagination! One point to note though, the yolk of the egg is very high in cholesterol so if you're making an omelet use 4-6 egg whites and 2 full eggs.
TIP #3 - Buy in bulk and save
You hear it in every second TV advert, "buy in bulk and save!". Well they're not lying! Sometimes you can save up to 40-50% of meat sold in bulk. You've got a freezer haven't you?! Don't disguard butchers either, sometimes their prices (especially on bulk) are cheaper than the supermarkets. And if they're a small outlet the might even be willing to do you a deal.
TIP #5 - Eat sandwiches
Bread is cheap. Head to the deli isle of your supermarket and you'll find lots of good cheap sandwich meat available. Chicken, turkey and beef are all good sandwich meats. All some salad and you've got yourself a wholesome snack.
TIP #6 - Cook like a restaurant
What I'm telling is to cook in bulk. Find your favorite chili recipe, times the ingredients by 4 and cook it on a Sunday afternoon. There you have 10-15 meals for the week ahead. All you need is some 2 minutes brown rice and you have yourself a meal ready in minutes. Perfect for post workouts and rush meals. Now you'll have no need to stop at that sandwich shop!
TIP #7 - Natures cheapest fish
Tuna tuna tuna. Tuna is one of the best foods you can eat if you want to build lean muscle. Not only has it got more than 20% protein but it's cheap and rich in natural essential oils. Just one problem, it tastes like cat food! I find it hard to stomach tuna, but I eat it anyway because it's dirt cheap and so good for me. If you don't like the taste or small on tuna mix it with some satay sauce. My favorite is tuna mixed with satay sauce on some boiled brown rice. Nothing but goodness! (tastes average though!)

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Christmas Holiday Season!

Christmas Holiday Season!

Christmas is almost here and the party season is upon us. It is a time to eat, drink and be merry! But what is you want to stay in reasonably good shape throughout the holiday period or have just started a fitness programme.
I have some tips and strategies for staying on track, or at least minimizing the effects of the indulgences at this time of year.
Firstly, remember that most holiday favourites – such as turkey, potatoes, sprouts and gravy are not necessarily bad for you. In fact, these foods are packed with nutrients. However, preparation and portion size make all the difference, as well as self-discipline.
Before The Christmas Rush.
It is a good idea to lose the mentality of dreading Christmas and New Year and it’s accompanying weight gain. You will be miserable and will not be a very jolly Santa! Remember that it is a time of year for celebration with family and friends – including parties, presents and your Nan’s home-made pie! Everywhere you look you will see studies saying you will gain ten pounds during the twelve days of Christmas and that it is an unavoidable by-product of the season. So if you don’t try to lose weight, but plan not to gain weight, it makes things a lot easier. In between the hustle and bustle of family gatherings and parties, make time to re-visit your goals, those you have accomplished and those ahead. Think about where you want to go and how you want to look.
During The Holidays.
Once you have decided to go into the holidays with the mindset to enjoy and succeed the next steps are to:
Minimize Stress.
Plan early to counteract potential sources of stress which have been linked to emotional food cravings. Work out ways to simplify your celebrations. It may sound obvious, but whether it means turning down an invitation to your Aunt’s annual holiday open house, or changing the menu for the day, many people have more trouble saying ‘no’ than they are ready to admit.
Don’t Starve Before You Leave.
Have something to eat before you go out to a party – some mixed nuts or a yogurt and fruit are good options. It will be easier to focus on the socializing aspects of the evening if you are not starving when you arrive. Also you will be less likely to overeat!
Adjust Your Training Schedule.
If you normally exercise for half an hour, exercise for forty minutes on the lead up to Christmas. Exercise for an extra ten-fifteen minutes per day. Something as simple as an extra cardio session for fifteen minutes at the end of a resistance workout, helps increase your metabolism. You don’t have to go to a gym to get a workout. Can you remember your last snowball fight? How about a game of football in the garden with nephews and nieces? Exercise can be a family event and you don’t have to stick to your routine so long as you are doing some type of activity. A little added exposure to the sun, even during the winter months can also be a great mood lifter.
Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth.
The candy cane is one of the best types of desserts to have as it is low in fat, it is sweet s and it takes ages to eat!
Manage Your Portion Size.
As for the rest of the year, it is never a good practice to stuff yourself in one sitting. In a buffet situation, first choose the healthier items, such as salads and lean meats, and sit down to enjoy these. For informal family gatherings, offer to bring a dish of your own too. That way you can control how the dish is prepared. If it is a roast, casserole or dessert, cut it into appropriate portions ahead of time. This makes it easier to control portion size.
Watch Those Carbohydrates!
Keep in mind that you will get plenty of carbohydrates throughout the holidays. So if you have a few mince pies or a piece of Christmas pudding, then it is a good idea to pass on the roast or mashed potatoes.
Stay Hydrated.
Make sure you are drinking at least ten glasses of water per day. Water flushes fats and salts from your body and helps you to feel full. Again, you will be less likely to overeat. It also helps to counteract the more damaging effects of alcohol, like dehydration.
Eat Slowly.
This will not only give your brain enough time to realize that you are eating, but will also allow you to really enjoy your food by savouring each bite.
Keep It In Perspective.
Enjoy the holidays! Thinking of yourself as being ‘on or off’ a diet only leads to unnecessary stress. You might focus so intently on the food that you actually forget to enjoy the festivities. For example, if you have an extra mince pie, don’t freak out for the rest of the night. If you are worried about those extra calories, you will not be a very good party guest!

After The New Year.
When all the presents have been unwrapped, it is time the reassess. Now it is more important than ever to avoid that negative ‘diet’ mentality. So if your mum’s home-made sherry trifle or your grandmother’s legendary apple pie proved too tempting to resist, get right back on track and re-visit your goals daily. One of the healthiest New Year’s resolutions anyone can make is not to beat themselves up. Always question yourself if you are using language like ‘I’ve been bad’ or ‘I’ve fallen off the wagon’ because that doesn’t promote sticking with anything. Remember that health and fitness is about ongoing progress, not 100% perfection